Economics & Entrepreneurship
Learn by Doing
The Economics Department benefits from a multi-disciplinary approach to the discipline, as well as a commitment to the depth of experiential learning that comes from applying economic theory. Students, typically in the upper forms, may choose to pursue a program oriented around the capital markets by studying economics and personal finance, or may apply to participate in the Entrepreneurial Studies Program, a three-course program oriented around the theory and practice of building an organization around a novel concept. Embedded in this program is a college-level economics course designed to better prepare students for further study of the discipline.
Your experience in the department centers on our belief that boys best learn by doing. The theories of personal finance are cemented through an annual mock portfolio competition and an active investment club on campus overseen by the Economics faculty. The theories of supply and demand find real meaning in the student demand schedules created by the student agencies operating on campus (see the Entrepreneurial Studies Overview). As an Entrepreneurial Studies student you will create, develop, and defend, to the School administration, a real business plan, seeking approval and seed funding from the School. Many go on to put these plans into action as Independent Study Projects during the sixth form year.
Economics & Entrepreneurial Studies Offerings At Salisbury:
A Glimpse At Just Two Of Our Offerings:
This year long course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts and emphasizes how the principles of economics relate to each other and to the overall structure of economic systems. Students will use economic concepts to better analyze, comprehend and explain personal, community, national and global economic issues. Though not a math course, students will use measurement concepts and methods such as tables, charts, graphs, ratios, percentages and index numbers to understand and interpret relevant data. Where applicable, Excel skills will be developed and strengthened as spreadsheets are utilized in the investigation of economic concepts. From time to time, guest speakers and field trips may be incorporated into the curriculum.
Entrepreneurial Studies
Entrepreneurship in History – Students will gain an appreciation of the role of entrepreneurs in history through the investigation of entrepreneurship in different sectors and time periods. The interrelationship between scientific/technological discoveries and entrepreneurial development will also be examined. Students explore a myriad of applications of algebra in the world of business. Topics include an introduction to accounting, microeconomic theory, corporate valuation and the many implications of the time value of money. The spreadsheet is taught and used extensively as a learning and presentation medium.
Business Ethics – Interspersed throughout the course and interwoven within projects, the topic of business ethics will be addressed, debated and acted upon over the first two trimesters and put in practice in developing and executing the business plan.